Why Everyone Is Talking About Digital Transformation And Marketing Right Now?


Digital transformation and marketing are two buzzwords that you may have heard a lot lately. But what do they mean and why are they so important for your business? 


According to Statista, global spending on digital transformation is expected to reach $3.4 trillion by 2026, up from $1.5 trillion in 2021. This shows the growing importance and urgency of digital transformation for businesses of all sizes and industries. Digital transformation is the process of using technology to continuously evolve all aspects of your business model, including what you offer, how you interact with customers, and how you operate. It is a way to future-proof your business and stay ahead of the curve in the digital age.

digital transformation and marketing

Marketing, on the other hand, is the process of creating, delivering, and communicating value to your customers and stakeholders. It is a way to attract, engage, and retain your target audience and achieve your business goals.


But how are digital transformation and marketing related? And what are the benefits and challenges of integrating them? In this blog post, we will explore the main drivers, challenges, and best practices of digital transformation in marketing. 


The main drivers of digital transformation in marketing


There are three main factors that are driving the need for digital transformation in marketing:


The changing customer expectations and behaviors


Customers today are more informed, empowered, and demanding than ever before. They expect personalized, seamless, and consistent experiences across all touchpoints and channels. They also expect brands to be authentic, transparent, and socially responsible. 


To meet these expectations, marketers need to leverage data and analytics to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. They also need to use digital technologies and platforms to create and deliver relevant, engaging, and valuable content and offers to customers at the right time and place.


The increasing competition and innovation in the market


The market today is more competitive and dynamic than ever before. New entrants, disruptors, and innovators are constantly challenging the status quo and offering new solutions and value propositions to customers. Customers have more choices and alternatives than ever before and can easily switch to competitors if they are not satisfied. A study by HubSpot showed that 74% of consumers are willing to switch brands if they find the purchasing process too difficult.


To stay ahead of the competition, marketers need to adopt a customer-centric and agile mindset and approach. They also need to use digital technologies and platforms to innovate and differentiate their products and services, as well as to optimize and automate their processes and operations.


The evolving technologies and tools for marketing


The technology landscape today is more complex and diverse than ever before. There are a plethora of digital technologies and tools available for marketers to use, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, internet of things, social media, mobile, web, email, video, and more.


To take advantage of these technologies and tools, marketers need to have a clear vision and strategy for their digital transformation and marketing initiatives. They also need to have the right skills and capabilities to select, implement, and integrate the most suitable and effective technologies and tools for their business objectives and customer needs.


The main challenges of digital transformation in marketing


While digital transformation and marketing offer many benefits and opportunities for businesses, they also pose many challenges and risks. Some of the common challenges that marketers face are:


The lack of clear vision and strategy


Many businesses lack a clear vision and strategy for their digital transformation and marketing efforts. They either do not have a well-defined goal or roadmap, or they have a vague or unrealistic one. They also do not have a clear understanding of their current situation, their desired state, and the gap between them.


Without a clear vision and strategy, businesses may end up wasting time, money, and resources on digital transformation in marketing initiatives that are not aligned with their business goals and customer needs. They may also miss out on opportunities or fall behind the competition.


The resistance to change and collaboration


Many businesses face resistance to change and collaboration from their internal and external stakeholders. They may encounter cultural, organizational, or technical barriers that hinder their digital transformation and marketing efforts. They may also face a lack of buy-in, support, or trust from their leadership, employees, customers, or partners.


Without a strong change management and collaboration framework, businesses may struggle to overcome the challenges and risks of digital transformation in marketing. They may also fail to achieve the desired outcomes and benefits of their initiatives.


The gap in skills and capabilities


Many businesses lack the skills and capabilities to execute their digital transformation and marketing initiatives. They may not have the right talent, expertise, or experience to select, implement, and integrate the best digital technologies and tools for their business objectives and customer needs. They may also not have the right processes, systems, or governance to manage and measure their digital transformation in marketing performance and results.


Without the right skills and capabilities, businesses may face difficulties and delays in their digital marketing and transformation initiatives. They may also encounter errors, issues, or failures that may affect their business operations and customer satisfaction.




Digital transformation and marketing are two essential and interrelated aspects of your business success in the digital age. They can help you meet and exceed your customer expectations, stay ahead of your competition, and leverage the latest technologies and tools for your business objectives and customer needs.


However, digital transformation in marketing also comes with many challenges and risks that you need to overcome. You need to have a clear vision and strategy, a strong change management and collaboration framework, and the right skills and capabilities to execute your digital transformation and marketing initiatives.


That’s where SmartOSC can help you. We are a leading digital transformation agency that can provide you with end-to-end solutions for eCommerce, omnichannel, and digital marketing. We have a team of experts, a proven track record, a strong partnership, and a customer-centric and agile approach that can help you achieve your digital transformation in marketing success. If you want to learn more about how we can help you with your digital transformation in marketing needs, please contact us today.