B2B2C eCommerce: Model Whitepaper
As the world of commerce is moving towards Omnichannel, the boundaries that once clearly separated eCommerce markets have begun to fade away. Whereas a brand might have traditionally kept business-to-business (B2B) sales and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales in siloes, today’s connected commerce experiences have created a new selling environment: B2B2C.
Many retailers are finding that B2B2C works particularly well online, as they can link up service providers and end consumers into one unified system, and communicate with both customer segments fluidly. These disparate strands can be brought together much more easily through one single eCommerce platform than they could using a purely offline system or even trying to track through separate B2B and B2C systems.
In this free in-depth analysis, you’ll find:
- Basic foundations of the B2B2C eCommerce model
- How to build a successful B2B2C eCommerce model
- Practical examples with the ASUS Singapore case study
- Get your free whitepaper today, for hands-on advice to make your eCommerce site a success.