
Adobe's Proud Gold Solution Partner and community builder for over 18 years

We are Asia’s leading Magento community builder


We’re an Adobe Commerce gold solutions partner with a focus on innovation and a scalable pool of highly-skilled Adobe experts.


We consistently deliver the highest quality enterprise commerce solutions through the Adobe ecosystem to orchestrate the best digital experiences for our clients. Together, we create new opportunities and help businesses navigate tomorrow’s uncharted water by leveraging Adobe’s powerful tools.

adobe partners

adobe partners

Why SmartOSC for Adobe projects?

We have a long and successful history as Magento and Adobe partners


We know how to scale

Adobe is flexible for a reason - we can start small or create an Adobe experience for huge multinational brands.

Early Magento adopters

We've been Magento developers and champions for 17 years, we know exactly how to make Adobe work for you.

We don't just use the technology - we teach it

Since 2017, we've hosted Meet Magento events across Asia - sharing our wealth of knowledge with other developers.

We've worked with brands across the world

SmartOSC is a global force. We have the staff and training to provide Adobe technology to brands across the globe.

Certified experts create results

Where action meets rewards

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Years as Partners
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Magento 2 Certified Developers
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Opportunities with Adobe

We provide both targeted services and complete eCommerce buildouts transforming your digital experience on the front and back end


Commerce Cloud 


We specialize in Magento development to create agile, scalable, and powerful commerce experiences.

Whether you need to upgrade your website, migrate an existing platform to Adobe, or start from scratch,  SmartOSC is ready for the challenge. We offer global experience across varied industries, for every aspect from personalizing the customer journey, to improving performance and ROI.


Marketing Cloud


Adobe Marketing Cloud offers robust tools to automate and streamline your marketing campaigns. While creating an omnichannel experience is complex for any size organization, we make it simple.

SmartOSC is well-versed in the sheer volume of work required to onboard prior marketing campaigns and data into Adobe Marketing Cloud. From migrating content, personalizing experiences to creating campaigns and supporting multi-channel funnels – we can set your organization up for success.


Experience Manager


Our capabilities with AEM simplify the delivery and management of website content and its assets, reducing the complexity and struggle associated with delivering online experiences to the right customer. 

Like other Adobe products, Adobe Experience Management offers multiple services in one. It provides a wealth of intelligent editing tools to perform tasks automatically through AI and machine learning, so that businesses can easily and quickly publish creative content.

Trusted by leading brands

Diverse solutions for global clients