10 SEO friendly tips for your Magento E-Commerce Website
One of the apprehensions of many Magento clients is SEO. Although Magento already has SEO-friendly when installed, there are many things that can still be improved. People offer many Magento SEO tips. Magento is an admired open-source platform for e-commerce stores. You can find some custom features in Magento to make your online store with all SEO tools. If you want to sell your products on your e-commerce website, you can choose Magento to make your online store. Almost all of the tools for building commerce websites and frameworks include some built-in SEO features. Apart from SEO submissions, your site faces the risk of getting lost in the vast ocean of similar online sites. Choosing Magento would be a good decision in this regard.

One of the apprehensions of many Magento clients is SEO. Although Magento already has SEO-friendly when installed, there are many things that can still be improved. People offer many Magento SEO tips. Magento is an admired open-source platform for e-commerce stores. You can find some custom features in Magento to make your online store with all SEO tools. If you want to sell your products on your e-commerce website, you can choose Magento to make your online store. Almost all of the tools for building commerce websites and frameworks include some built-in SEO features. Apart from SEO submissions, your site faces the risk of getting lost in the vast ocean of similar online sites. Choosing Magento would be a good decision in this regard.
Magento SEO Tips for Your E-commerce Website
1. Avoid duplicate content for your e-commerce
Copy content will be content that shows up in more than one location. It is a severe problem when optimizing your Magento SEO. This content might send conflicting signals to search engines and make it hard to index and rank your website. Copy substance can be disposed of by utilizing the authoritative tag. In your Admin Dashboard, go to the Stores > Configuration > Catalog. On the right side, look down to Search Engine Optimization. Then, in the Canonical LINK Meta Tags for Categories and Products, set to Yes.
2. Site maps enhancements
In Magento, the default XML site maps have been upgraded. An XML site map is a file containing a list of URL search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, and Google Mobile. XML site maps often have icons that provide useful information about the URL in search engine pages. When your site has a well-designed XML site map, search engines can quickly find your page. Overall, Magento provides an effective way to improve the online visibility of your site.
3. SEO for product images
Optimizing your products’ images is another good Magento SEO tip. There are two elements you need to pay attention to when it comes to products’ pictures. Firstly, instead of using the default name with meaningless words and numbers, the image file’s name should define what the image is about. This way, it will be simpler for search engines to access, understand and recommend your products on SERPs. Another element that you should optimize is images’ alt texts. Alt text (or alt attribute, alt description) acts as a modifier to describe the appearance and function of an image on a page. It will be displayed to Google whenever it cannot scan the picture on your website. To increase your Magento SEO score, make sure to add keywords to your alt text. In any case, you should consider reasonably using keywords to avoid being tagged as spam by search engines.
4. Increase the upload speed of your site
In SEO, site stacking speed is vital. Online customers hate to trust that sites will stack, regardless of whether they use PCs or cell phones. Studies have shown that even a 1-sec delay in loading a page can cause your site to lose approx-7% of potential customers. Therefore, Google pays attention to the importance of SEO loading speed. Using the built-in Magento settings, it is possible to speed up site loading speed. These settings are available under configuration.
Aside from customization options, the Magento architecture is equipped to handle many sites better than most competing platforms. That is the reason countless such organizations depend on Magento.
5. Configure Robots.txt
The Robots.txt file directs robots to search engines which pages should crawl or which pages do not. To discover your robots.txt document, you should simply enter the site URL in your browser and enter /robots.txt at the end, http://www.xyz.com/robots.txt
To change your Robots.txt in Magento 2 just go to Stores >> General >> Design >> Edit custom robots.txt file instructions – if needed.
6. Rewrite the URLs
One outstanding Magento SEO feature is that it allows users to edit their product’s URL freely. You can make changes to all the links associated with a product, category, or CMS page to be more SEO-friendly. Magento will automatically redirect the previous URL to the new one. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about 404 errors or missing content on your website after the changes. Something more to remember is that Magento automatically generates code to your products’ URLs. To eliminate this code for a cleaner link, go to Store > Configuration > General > Web > URL Options. In the Add Store Code to URL box, change the setting to No. This action will prevent Magento from adding redundant code to your URLs.
7. Do not use the default store code
Deleting the default store code for URLs:
Go to administrator >> stores >> arrangement >> General >> Web >> URL choice >> Enter store code in URLs >> No,
When you are done with the means above, click on the Cache Management connect to eliminate the store.
8. Add a blog to your online store
Nobody can prevent the force from getting a blog page, so it is vital to figure out how to add another Blog page to your Magento 2. We can use the free blog extension of the Magento 2 e-commerce store without adding a third-party framework like WordPress. Thus in the incident that you are searching for a Magento 2 blog extension that helps with responsive design, is 100% FREE, has open-source code, and builds your SEO-friendly blog, you can check out this extension here.
9. Use quality links for your e-commerce site
Quality links are simply building relevant incoming links to a website, which will help the website get higher rankings within major search engines and generate targeted traffic to your website. If you would like to create high-quality links, you will need to choose the most excellent methodologies for your store, and you can follow the great posts listed in How to Get High-Quality Backlinks here.
10. Apart from Stock Product Management Strategies
You need to develop an SEO strategy to handle out-of-stock products. Most of the time, if you are planning to return a product to inventory, the wise SEO decision is to leave the page at the top. Keep the content updated to let customers know when to expect the product back in stock, and consider using the Magento extension to inform potential customers by default. If the product cannot be returned, consider 301 redirects to the replacement product or the most appropriate category.
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